The cowardice of /k at LYN Forum

These trolls inhab­it­ing LYN Forum are hillar­i­ous. They remind me of the pests who infest the RP sec­tion at Dig­i­tal Point Forums. Whether they are Malaysian trolls or orang putih trolls, they share a com­mon trait…they can­not argue coher­ent­ly with­out dish­ing out ad hominem and then bring­ing your social media accounts, your web­sites or your per­son­al infor­ma­tion to the table. When you explain to these idiots that the so-called account belong­ing to yours tru­ly is no longer acces­si­ble, is out­dat­ed and that it is no longer used, they then over­whelm you with host­ing infor­ma­tion which are noth­ing more than cir­cum­stan­tial, and reused polem­i­cal infor­ma­tion from my old foes back in the day and from way back to 2006! 

(I should remind these idiots that this is 2016.…ten years has passed and what has been debunked before should remain debunked)

And then, when they can no longer argue any more, they bring in a third-par­ty mod­er­a­tor (who hap­pens to be their best bud­dy) to ban you.


This hap­pened to me at DP Forums, and the same thing hap­pened to me agan at LYN Forum. Coin­ci­dence? I think not. 

Any­way, I am going to take all this in stride and enjoy my “vaca­tion”. I will see you again when Octo­ber ends, LYN!

Last Updat­ed on May 11, 2017 by menj
