Asadullah Ali al-Andalusi

I have talked to akhi Asadullah Ali al-Andalusi and he has impressive credentials when it comes to Muslim apologetics and comparative religion.

This is a brief back­ground of Asadul­lah Ali al-Andalusi from what he has told me, and from what is already known pub­licly. Asadul­lah is espe­cial­i­ty focus­ing on the ide­ol­o­gy of Athe­ism, which is not com­mon among Muslims.

At present, broth­er Asadul­lah Ali is a research fel­low for Yaqeen Insti­tute and the founder of the Andalu­sian Project, an inde­pen­dent research plat­form for counter-Islam­o­pho­bia studies.

Asadul­lah Ali also holds degrees in both West­ern and Islam­ic Phi­los­o­phy and last I checked he is cur­rent­ly pur­su­ing his Ph.D in Islam­ic Stud­ies as well at Uni­ver­si­ti Malaya.

It is of inter­est to note that al-Andalusi spe­cial­izes in top­ics relat­ed to the phi­los­o­phy of sci­ence, athe­ism, ter­ror­ism, Islam­ic polit­i­cal thought and ethics, and oth­er issues sur­round­ing the glob­al Mus­lim com­mu­ni­ty. He has added on to the dis­course of Islam ver­sus mate­ri­al­ism and athe­ism and has no doubt made a lot of con­tri­bu­tion to Mus­lim apolo­get­ics in general.

With all these cre­den­tials that has been men­tioned, there is absolute­ly no doubt in my mind that Asadul­lah Ali al-Andalusi is total­ly qual­i­fied to talk about the top­ics that I have mentioned.

Last Updat­ed on July 16, 2023 by menj


tok mudim hunter August 20, 2019

i kill you anak haram jadah. if you have the balls i chal­lenge you to tell me where you work.
if you have balls, which i know you don’t. you are only good at cut­ting cock. you don’t have balls yourself.

menj August 23, 2019

If you think you are so smart, try and find out for your­self, you puki­mak anak haram butuh sam­dul babi!
