Purely business

I have been think­ing about it for some time and I think I have made up my mind that I will turn ibnjuferi.biz into a pure­ly busi­ness-ori­ent­ed web­site. This is part of my future plans to fur­ther tight­en my net­work’s nich­es and pro­vide val­ue to the over­all SEO ben­e­fits that my closed net­work can pass onto oth­er web­sites in my oth­er clus­ters. Cur­rent­ly there are a lot of con­tent on ibnjuferi.biz where I have exposed the iden­ti­ties of the apos­tates behind the infa­mous “Mur­tads in Malaysia and Sin­ga­pore” (MMS) Face­book group. 

These infor­ma­tion are impor­tant in the war effort against the mur­tadd move­ment in gen­er­al, so what I will do is to move these con­tent to a more suit­able web prop­er­ty which I will announce once the process is com­plet­ed. Then I can go ahead and wipe out the con­tent on ibnjuferi.biz and turn it into the busi­ness blog that it should be.

Last Updat­ed on Sep­tem­ber 28, 2022 by menj
