“Ali Sina” and his brand of censorship

A short “trip” to a famil­iar shit hole led me to dis­cov­er this very old “gem” from the pseu­do-intel­lec­tu­al him­self: “Ali Sina” (not his real name) and pet­ty threats against me, his (unproven) accu­sa­tion that I am a “thug and poten­tial crim­i­nal” [!], and last but not least, his brand of cen­sor­ship. For an utter moron who has plied his trade sell­ing a provoca­tive book attack­ing the char­ac­ter of the Prophet SAWS, the guy sure has a seri­ous lack of man­ners and decen­cy to those who dis­agree with him.

"Ali Sina" and his brand of censorship 1

And guess what? After 10 years, he has­n’t changed one sin­gle bit. When it comes to ad hominem attacks and spout­ing slurs, “Ali Sina” is sure­ly the cham­pi­on at that. Why am I not surprised? 

See also Sheila Musaji, “Ali Sina Launch­es Sharp­ened Olive Branch of Hate”, The Amer­i­can Mus­lim.

P.S.: “Ali Sina” and the gang of Islam­o­pho­bic, mur­tadd thugs that he had “inspired” to hurl all sorts of hor­ri­ble and dis­gust­ing libels against God, the Prophet SAWS and Islam behind the anonymi­ty of the com­put­er screen will be dealt with in more detail in this future work in progress.

Last Updat­ed on April 5, 2021 by 
